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Quyến Tư Lượng – The Island Of Siliang
28 30/30 8531 Theo dõi 0Koizora
VGA 6/?? 253 Theo dõi 0Ma Y Nhất Mạch
AUX 180/180 3314 Theo dõi 0Vô Địch Quân Sủng, Cô Vợ Nhỏ Mê Người
TXT 66/?? 393 Theo dõi 0Slave B
Slave B: Chương 1
This is a world whose peace was destroyed by the Shadow Lord, ‘Secneum’. ‘Niro’ is a half-elf, half-human boy who lost his parents as a baby and was adopted by a slave couple. In this world, slaves are not treated as humans. Since Niro’s adoptive parents are slaves, they are mistreated and eventually lose their lives. Now Niro is alone once more and must shoulder the burdens of his family and do whatever it takes to protect his two younger siblings. If Niro wants to escape this fate, there is only one thing he can do. He must graduate from the academy, ‘Excanum’ just like the current Emperor, ‘Muren’ who was once a slave!